The reviews are rolling in for New Normal Rep's streaming on demand production of F.I.R.E.!
"(Carol) Todd as Danica is terrific as the self-centered dragon all of us have probably worked for at some time....It’s always a sign of good writing, acting and direction when a play’s outcome is a surprise." -Margie Royal, DelcoCultureVultures "Kierra Bunch as Shauna oversees the team with a no-nonsense professional demeanor, answering to the demands of her erratic boss Danica, embodied with just the right degree of equivocation by Carol Todd. Every performance is character-defining, entertaining, and suspicious, with psychological insights, secrets, and attitudes exposed along the way, right up to the surprise ending."
-Deb Miller, DC Metro Theatre Arts Get your tickets now and watch before the stream ends on October 20th!